Breaking Changes

Cfgu format changes

V1 introduces several breaking changes to .cfgu files. Below is a list of the breaking changes and how to update your .cfgu files.

Cfgu property changes

.cfgu file structure change

The file structure of .cfgu files has significantly changed to provide a more robust structure.

To update a .cfgu file to the new structure, the Cfgu declarations need to be moved under the keys property.

We will provide an example of how to migrate this example .cfgu file:

  description: Defines the environment in which the application runs
  type: String
    - development
    - production
    - test
  default: development
  description: Defines the level of logs to be recorded
  type: String
    - error
    - warn
    - info
    - verbose
    - debug
    - silly
  default: info
  description: Defines the endpoint for the service
  type: URL
  required: true
  description: Defines the AWS region for the service
  type: AWSRegion
  default: us-east-1

After migration:

    description: Defines the environment in which the application runs
    test: expect($.value)'string')
      - development
      - production
      - test
    default: development
    description: Defines the level of logs to be recorded
    test: expect($.value)'string')
      - error
      - warn
      - info
      - verbose
      - debug
      - silly
    default: info
    description: Defines the endpoint for the service
    test: validator.isURL($.value)
    required: true
    description: Defines the AWS region for the service
      - af-south-1
      - ap-east-1
      - ap-northeast-1
      - ap-northeast-2
      - ap-northeast-3
      - ap-south-1
      - ap-southeast-1
      - ap-southeast-2
      - ca-central-1
      - cn-north-1
      - cn-northwest-1
      - eu-central-1
      - eu-north-1
      - eu-south-1
      - eu-west-1
      - eu-west-2
      - eu-west-3
      - me-south-1
      - sa-east-1
      - us-east-1
      - us-east-2
      - us-gov-east-1
      - us-gov-west-1
      - us-west-1
      - us-west-2
    default: us-east-1

CLI changes

upsert command config assignment flag changes

The --config, -c flag has been renamed to --kv to avoid clashes with the new --config global flag. Replace all occurrences of --config with --kv to align with this updated naming convention.

A new method for declaring key-value pairs has also been introduced using the -k/--key and -v/--value flags. These flags must be used in sequence, with each key matched to the corresponding value provided immediately after. Keys without matching values will result in the deletion of their corresponding values.

For example, the following command:

configu upsert --store 'my-store' --set '' --schema start.cfgu.yaml \
    -k GREETING \
    -k SUBJECT \
    -v configu


  • Delete the value of GREETING.
  • Set the value of SUBJECT to configu.

These changes aim to improve clarity and prevent naming conflicts while providing flexibility for key-value management.

Upsert command import flag removal

The --import flag has been removed from the CLI upsert command.

Export command filtering flags changes

The following flags have been removed in favor of the new --filter flag along with how they can be replaced with --filter:

  • --pick-label
--filter '$.labels.includes("my-label") === true'
  • --omit-label
--filter '$.labels.includes("my-label") === false'
  • --pick-key
--filter '$.key === "my-key"'
  • --omit-key
--filter '$.key !== "my-key"'
  • --pick-hidden
--filter '$.cfgu.hidden === true'
  • --omit-hidden
--filter '!$.cfgu.hidden !== true'
  • --pick-empty
--filter '$.origin === "empty"'
  • --omit-empty
--filter '$.origin !== "empty"'

Export command template input flag removal

The --template-input flag has been removed. You can instead adjust the input as needed via the ConfigExpression utilities and mutate the $.configs (provided as an object) context input to whatever you need.

.configu file changes

The cache property has been renamed to backup to more accurately reflect its purpose. Replace all occurrences of cache with backup to reflect the new naming convention.

Introduction of type coercion

V1 introduces type coercion to Configu. During evaluation, Configu will attempt to coerce values from ConfigStores to their expected type. This feature is intended to make Configu more flexible and easier to use.

Type coercion affects:

  • All instances of config values in ConfigExpressions are coerced to the expected type (string, number, boolean, object, array). You can access the value as it’s stored via storedValue.
  • The Configu CLI Eval command returns the coerced value in the output.
  • The Configu CLI Export command receives the coerced value as input from Eval command which affects:
    • The --format flag which will now receive the coerced value as input and appropriately formats it.
    • All instances of ConfigExpressions usages by --filter, --template, --map, --reduce, --sort flags which will now receive the coerced value as input.
  • The Configu Proxy export route which will now coerce values to the expected type.

Upgrading Configu CLI

To use the latest Configu CLI, you can use the following command:

curl | sh

Upgrading Configu Proxy

Install the latest configu/proxy docker image.

New Features

V1 introduces several new features to Configu. Below is a list of the new features and how to use them.


V1 introduces a new feature called ConfigExpressions. ConfigExpressions allow you to write dynamic values with certain features like string interpolation, arithmetic operations, and more. All features that support ConfigExpressions have their own injected context that can withing the ConfigExpressions for evaluation.

The ConfigExpressions contexts include the following libraries:

  • lodash for various utility functions. Use _ within the ConfigExpression to access lodash functions.
  • validator.js for string validations. Use validator within the ConfigExpression to access validator.js functions.
  • The JSONSchema utility class for JSON schema validations. Use JSONSchema or jsonschema within the ConfigExpression to access the utility class.
  • Zod for schema validations with static type inference. Use z within the ConfigExpression to access Zod functions.
  • Chai for assertions functions. Use assert, expect, and should respectively within the ConfigExpression to access Chai functions.

The following features support ConfigExpressions:

Example usages of ConfigExpressions:

test Cfgu property:

    test: expect($.value)'string')

The CLI export filter flag:

configu eval --store my-store --set '' --schema ./tmp/schemas2/start.cfgu.yaml | configu export --filter '$.origin === "empty"' --filter '$.labels.includes("my-label") === true'

The CLI export template flag, example template .env file:


New Cfgu property test

The test property is a new property that allows you to write ConfigExpressions to validate the value of a key. It replaces the type property which was removed due to its limited functionality.

Here are a few examples of how test can be used in place of type

String type validation via Chai assertion:

    test: expect($.value)'string')

Boolean type validation via validator.js

    test: validator.isBoolean($.storedValue)

Example of using test in place of depends:

    test: validator.isBoolean($.storedValue)
      - "$.configs.ENABLE_FEATURE.value ? expect($.value)'string') : true"

New Cfgu property const

The const property is a new property that allows you to write ConfigExpressions to set a constant value for a key.

Example usage of const instead of template:

    default: 1234
    default: localhost
    const: '`${$.configs.HOST.value}:${$.configs.PORT.value}`'
    test: 'validator.isURL($.value, {require_host: true, require_port: true})'

Default ConfigStore

You can now designate a ConfigStore as the default by adding the default property to its configuration and setting it to true. This default will be used whenever a ConfigStore is omitted as an input in actions performed using Configu’s high-level interfaces.

If your .configu file contains only a single ConfigStore, it will be automatically detected and treated as the default.

Example definition of a default ConfigStore in a .configu file:

    type: json-file
      path: path/to/file1.json
    type: json-file
    default: true
      path: path/to/file2.json

CLI global --config flag

The --config flag is a new global flag that allows you to specify a path to .configu file to use for all commands. This flag is useful when you want to use a specific .configu file that you want to use for all commands.

CLI .configu auto-detection

The CLI now automatically recursively searches for .configu files from the current working directory upwards to the home directory and uses the first one found for all commands when the --config flag is not provided.

CLI eval command defaults flag

The new --defaults flag can now be used to evaluate default value from a ConfigSchema and skip querying a ConfigStore.

Other changes

@configu/node and @configu/browser removal

Any and all uses of these packages are no longer supported. We encourage all users of these packages to utilize @configu/cli or @configu/proxy depending on your requirements. All ConfigStore implementations have been moved to @configu/integrations.

@configu/lib removal

Superseded by @configu/common which is a package that provides shared functionality for the higher-level interfaces.

@configu/ts removal

Superseded by @configu/sdk.

Introduction of @configu/integrations

A new package that contains all ConfigStore implementations and libraries that extend the ConfigExpressions functionality which are decoupled from the core @configu/sdk package. This package is intended to be used by higher-level configu interfaces such as the CLI and proxy.