Command Reference
A reference guide for all Configu CLI commands.
Use configu -h
or to get a list of all available commands.
Use configu [COMMAND] -h
to get help for a specific command.
configu autocomplete [SHELL]
configu delete
configu eval
configu export
configu find
configu init
configu login
configu run
configu test
configu update [CHANNEL]
configu upsert
configu autocomplete [SHELL]
Display autocomplete installation instructions.
$ configu autocomplete [SHELL] [-r]
SHELL (zsh|bash|powershell) Shell type
-r, --refresh-cache Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)
Display autocomplete installation instructions.
$ configu autocomplete
$ configu autocomplete bash
$ configu autocomplete zsh
$ configu autocomplete powershell
$ configu autocomplete --refresh-cache
configu delete
Bulk delete Configs
from a ConfigStore
$ configu delete --store <value> --set <value> --schema <value>
--schema=<value> (required) `ConfigSchema` (config-keys declaration) path/to/[schema].cfgu.json file to operate the
delete against. The keys declared in the `ConfigSchema` and its values from the `ConfigSet` will be
deleted from the `ConfigStore`
--set=<value> (required) `ConfigSet` (config-values context) to delete `Configs` from. Use an empty string for the
root set
--store=<value> (required) `ConfigStore` (configs data-source) to delete `Configs` from
Bulk delete `Configs` from a `ConfigStore`
Delete all `Configs` declared at `ConfigSchema` file at './config/schema.cfgu.json' from a `ConfigSet` called
'dev/branch' within a 'configu' `ConfigStore`
$ configu delete --store 'configu' --set 'dev/branch' --schema './config/schema.cfgu.json'
Delete all `Configs` declared at `ConfigSchema` file at './config/schema.cfgu.json' from the 'staging' `ConfigSet`
within a 'hashicorp-vault' `ConfigStore`
$ configu delete --store 'hashicorp-vault' --set 'staging' --schema './config/schema.cfgu.json'
configu eval
Fetch Configs
from ConfigStore
on demand based on ConfigSet
and ConfigSchema
$ configu eval --schema <value> [--store <value>] [--set <value>] [-c <value>] [--force-cache]
-c, --config=<value>... 'key=value' pairs to override fetched `Configs`
--force-cache Force the use of cache store
--schema=<value> (required) `ConfigSchema` (config-keys declaration) path/to/[schema].cfgu.json file to
operate the eval against. The keys declared in the `ConfigSchema` will be fetched and
evaluated from the to the `ConfigStore`. In case of key duplication from multiple
`ConfigSchema`, the order of the --schema flag in the pipe will come to hand as the rightmost
key overriding the rest
--set=<value> `ConfigSet` (config-values context) to fetch `Configs` from. Use an empty string for the root
--store=<value> `ConfigStore` (configs data-source) to fetch `Configs` from
Fetch `Configs` from `ConfigStore` on demand based on `ConfigSet` and `ConfigSchema`
Fetch all `Configs` declared at `ConfigSchema` file at './config/schema.cfgu.json' from the 'prod' `ConfigSet`
within a 'configu' `ConfigStore`
$ configu eval --store 'configu' --set 'prod' --schema './config/schema.cfgu.json'
Fetch all `Configs` declared at `ConfigSchema` file at './service.cfgu.json' from the 'service' `ConfigSet` within a
'configu' `ConfigStore` and override 'key1' value
$ configu eval --store 'configu' --set 'service' --schema './service.cfgu.json' --config 'key1=value1'
Pipe multiple eval commands and export as Kubernetes ConfigMap .yaml file
$ configu eval --store 'configu' --set 'prod' --schema './config/schema.cfgu.json' \
| configu eval --store 'configu' --set 'service' --schema './service.cfgu.json' -c 'key1=value1' \
| configu eval --store 'aws-secrets-manager' --set 'prod' --schema './service.cfgu.json' -c 'key1=value1' \
| configu export --format 'KubernetesConfigMap' --label 'service-prod' > service-prod.yaml
configu export
Export Configs
as configuration data in various modes
$ configu export [--explain | --format
JSON|CompactJSON|YAML|Dotenv|KubernetesConfigMap|HelmValues|TerraformTfvars|TOML | --template <value> | --source |
--run <value>] [--label <value>] [--eol ] [--template-input object|array ] [--prefix <value>] [--suffix <value>]
[--casing CamelCase|CapitalCase|ConstantCase|DotCase|KebabCase|NoCase|PascalCase|PascalSnakeCase|PathCase|SentenceCa
se|SnakeCase|TrainCase] [--pick-label <value>] [--omit-label <value>] [--pick-key <value>] [--omit-key <value>]
[--pick-hidden | --omit-hidden] [--pick-empty | --omit-empty]
--casing=<option> Transforms the casing of Config Keys in the export result to camelCase, PascalCase, Capital
Case, snake_case, param-case, CONSTANT_CASE and others
<options: CamelCase|CapitalCase|ConstantCase|DotCase|KebabCase|NoCase|PascalCase|PascalSnak
--eol Adds EOL (\n on POSIX \r\n on Windows) to the end of the stdout
--explain Outputs metadata on the exported `Configs`
--format=<option> Format exported `Configs` to common configuration formats. Redirect the output to file, if
<options: JSON|CompactJSON|YAML|Dotenv|KubernetesConfigMap|HelmValues|TerraformTfvars|TOML>
--label=<value> Metadata required in some formats like Kubernetes ConfigMap
--omit-empty Exclude config keys with empty values. By default, empty values are included
--omit-hidden Explicitly exclude config keys marked as hidden. By default, hidden keys are omitted
--omit-key=<value>... Omit a specific key from the previous eval command return to export
--omit-label=<value>... Omit a specific label from the previous eval command return to export
--pick-empty Include config keys with empty values. By default, empty values are included
--pick-hidden Explicitly include config keys marked as hidden. By default, hidden keys are omitted
--pick-key=<value>... Pick a specific key from the previous eval command return to export
--pick-label=<value>... Pick a specific label from the previous eval command return to export
--prefix=<value> Append a fixed string to the beginning of each Config Key in the export result
--run=<value> Spawns executable as child-process and pass exported `Configs` as environment variables
--source Source exported `Configs` as environment variables to the current shell
--suffix=<value> Append a fixed string to the end of each Config Key in the export result
--template=<value> Path to a file containing {{mustache}} templates to render (inject/substitute) the exported
`Configs` into
--template-input=<option> Inject `Configs` to template as object or array of `{key: string, value: string}[]`
<options: object|array>
Export `Configs` as configuration data in various modes
Pipe eval commands result to export command to output metadata on the exported `Configs`
$ configu eval ... | configu export --explain
Pipe eval commands result to export command to create a Dotenv .env file
$ configu eval ... | configu export --format 'Dotenv'
Pipe eval commands result to export command to create a Kubernetes ConfigMap .yaml
$ configu eval ... | configu export --format 'KubernetesConfigMap' --label 'service-prod.yaml'
Pipe eval commands result to export command to render `Configs` into a mustache '{{ }}' template file
$ configu eval ... | configu export --template 'mustache.tmpl.yaml'
Pipe eval commands result to export command to source `Configs` as environment variables to the current shell
(set -a; source <(configu eval ... | configu export --source); set +a && <command-that-uses-the-envs>)
Pipe eval commands result to export command to pass `Configs` as environment variables to a child-process
$ configu eval ... | configu export --run 'node index.js'
Pipe eval commands result to export command and apply a prefix / suffix to each Config Key in the export result
$ configu eval ... | configu export --prefix "MYAPP_" --suffix "_PROD"
Pipe eval commands result to export command and apply casing to each Config Key in the export result
$ configu eval ... | configu export --casing "SnakeCase"
Pipe eval commands result to export command and exclude specific labels
$ configu eval ... | configu export --omit-label 'deprecated' --omit-label 'temporary'
Pipe eval commands result to export command and include only configs under specific labels
$ configu eval ... | configu export --pick-label 'production' --pick-label 'secure'
Pipe eval commands result to export command and exclude specific keys
$ configu eval ... | configu export --omit-key 'DEBUG_MODE' --omit-key 'TEST_ACCOUNT'
Pipe eval commands result to export command. Include hidden configs and exclude configs with empty values
$ configu eval ... | configu export --pick-hidden --omit-empty
configu find
Finding all config parameters and their usage in the source code based on CFGU files
$ configu find --dir <value> [--include <value>] [--exclude <value>] [--unused] [--templates]
--dir=<value> (required) [default: .] Path to source code
--exclude=<value>... [default: ] Glob pattern to ignore
--include=<value>... [default: ] Path to a specific .cfgu file (default: all CFGU files in the source code)
--[no-]templates [default: false] Show parameters that are parts of templates and treat them as used parameters
--unused Only show unused parameters
Finding all config parameters and their usage in the source code based on CFGU files
Find all config parameters and their usage in current directory
$ configu find
Find all config parameters and their usage in specific directory from provided CFGU file
$ configu find --dir <PATH_TO_SCAN> --include <PATH_TO_CFGU>
Find all unused config parameters in specific directory
$ configu find --dir <PATH_TO_SCAN> --unused
configu init
Create a ConfigSchema
.cfgu file in the current working dir
$ configu init [--name <value>] [--dir <value>] [-f] [--start | --import <value> | --example]
[--defaults ] [--types ]
-f, --force Override the .cfgu file in case it already exists
--defaults Assign the values from the imported file as the default value for the keys that will be created
in the .cfgu file
--dir=<value> [default: /Users/ran/dev/configu/packages/cli] Set the directory that will contain the new .cfgu
file. The default is the current directory
--example Fills the new .cfgu file with a variety of detailed examples
--import=<value> Import an existing .env or flat .json file and create a new .cfgu file from its records
--name=<value> [default: cli] Set the name of the new .cfgu file. The default is the current directory name in
--start Fills the new .cfgu file with a get-started example
--types Infer the Cfgu type of the values from the imported file and assign them to the keys that will
be created in the .cfgu file. The default is String
Create a `ConfigSchema` .cfgu file in the current working dir
Create a new .cfgu file in the current directory with the default name (current directory name in parameter-case)
$ configu init
Create a new .cfgu file in the current directory with a specific name (my-project.cfgu)
$ configu init --name 'my-project'
Create a new .cfgu file in a specific directory (./config) with a specific name (my-project.cfgu)
$ configu init --dir './config' --name 'my-project'
Import an existing flat .json file and create a new .cfgu file from it's records
$ configu init --import './config.json'
Import an existing .env file and create a new .cfgu file from it's records, assigning the values as the default
value for the keys in the .cfgu file and inferring the Cfgu type of the values and assigning them to the keys in the
.cfgu file
$ configu init --import './.env' --defaults --types
Create a new get-started.cfgu file filled with a variety of pre-made, detailed record examples
$ configu init --get-started
configu login
Initiate interactive login session to Configu ConfigStore
$ configu login
Initiate interactive login session to Configu `ConfigStore`
$ configu login
configu run
Run a script from the scripts section in the .configu file
$ configu run -s <value> [-d <value>]
-d, --dir=<value> Set the directory where the script is being executed. The default is the location of the
.configu file
-s, --script=<value> (required) The script property from the scripts section in the .configu file
Run a script from the scripts section in the .configu file
Run 'my-script' from the scripts section in the .configu file
$ configu run --script 'my-script'
configu test
Verify credentials and write access to a ConfigStore
$ configu test --store <value> [--clean]
--clean Delete `CONFIGU_TEST` config from the `ConfigStore` after test completed
--store=<value> (required) `ConfigStore` (configs data-source) to upsert `CONFIGU_TEST` config to
Verify credentials and write access to a `ConfigStore`
Test connection to a 'configu' `ConfigStore`
$ configu test --store 'configu'
Test connection to a 'configu' `ConfigStore` and clean afterwards
$ configu test --store 'configu' --clean
configu update [CHANNEL]
update the configu CLI
$ configu update [CHANNEL] [-a] [--force] [-i | -v <value>]
-a, --available See available versions.
-i, --interactive Interactively select version to install. This is ignored if a channel is provided.
-v, --version=<value> Install a specific version.
--force Force a re-download of the requested version.
update the configu CLI
Update to the stable channel:
$ configu update stable
Update to a specific version:
$ configu update --version 1.0.0
Interactively select version:
$ configu update --interactive
See available versions:
$ configu update --available
configu upsert
Create, update or delete Configs
from a ConfigStore
$ configu upsert --store <value> --set <value> --schema <value> [-c <value> | --import <value>]
-c, --config=<value>... 'key=value' pairs to upsert. Use an empty value to delete a `Config`
--import=<value> Import an existing .env or flat .json file and create `Configs` from its records
--schema=<value> (required) `ConfigSchema` (config-keys declaration) path/to/[schema].cfgu.json file to
operate the upsert against. The keys declared in the `ConfigSchema` can be assigned a value
in the `ConfigSet` that will be upserted as a `Config` to the `ConfigStore`
--set=<value> (required) `ConfigSet` (config-values context) to assign the upserted `Configs`. Use an empty
string for the root set
--store=<value> (required) `ConfigStore` (configs data-source) to upsert `Configs` to
Create, update or delete `Configs` from a `ConfigStore`
Upsert a `Config` to the 'root' `ConfigSet` of a 'configu' `ConfigStore` using a `ConfigSchema` file at
$ configu upsert --store 'configu' --set '' --schema './config/schema.cfgu.json' --config 'key=value'
Upsert multiple `Configs` to a `ConfigSet` called 'prod' within a 'configu' `ConfigStore` using a `ConfigSchema`
file at './config/schema.cfgu.json'
$ configu upsert --store 'configu' --set 'prod' --schema './config/schema.cfgu.json' --config 'key1=value1' -c \
'key2=value2' -c 'key3=value3'
Delete a `Config` from a `ConfigSet` called 'prod' within a 'configu' `ConfigStore` using a `ConfigSchema` file at
$ configu upsert --store 'configu' --set 'prod' --schema './config/schema.cfgu.json' --config 'keyToDelete='
Upsert a `Config` to a `ConfigSet` called 'prod' within 'hashicorp-vault' `ConfigStore` using a `ConfigSchema` file
at './config/schema.cfgu.json'
$ configu upsert --store 'hashicorp-vault' --set 'prod' --schema './config/schema.cfgu.json' --config \