• Name: GCP Secret Manager
  • Category: Secret manager


Configu needs to be authorized to access your GCP Secret manager account. By default, Configu uses the standard authentication methods that the GCP SDKs use, if you have the right IAM access credentials, you only need to provide the projectId parameter.


.configu store declaration

    type: gcp-secret-manager
      projectId: my-gcp-project
      keyFile: path/to/service-account.json

CLI examples

Upsert command

configu upsert --store "my-store" --set "test" --schema "./config.cfgu.json" \
    -c "GREETING=hey" \
    -c "SUBJECT=configu"

Eval and export commands

configu eval --store "my-store" --set "test" --schema "./config.cfgu.json" \
 | configu export

Common errors and solutions

  1. Authentication error

    • Solution: Ensure the credentials file points to a valid service account JSON key, or verify that your environment is authenticated with GCP using:
      gcloud auth application-default login
  2. Insufficient permissions

    • Solution: Grant the necessary permissions to the service account by assigning the Secret Manager Admin role:
      gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding my-gcp-project \
          --member="serviceAccount:my-service-account@my-gcp-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \
  3. Secret not found

    • Solution: Ensure the secret exists in the GCP Secret Manager and that the correct projectId is provided in the configuration.
  4. Quota limit exceeded

    • Solution: Check your GCP quotas and upgrade if necessary. Manage the number of secrets to stay within allowed limits.
