Only the organization owner and admins can connect an integration to their own organization.


Configu lets you connect your GitHub repositories to your organization. Connecting your repositories enables the following features:

  • Share access to ConfigSchema files directly from your repositories with your entire organization and streamline config management via the Config Editor.
  • Validate your ConfigSchema when you open pull requests.

To connect your GitHub repositories:

  1. Go to the Apps page under the Integrations tab
  2. Click the Authorize button under the GitHub integration section and you will be navigated to GitHub to continue the process
  3. Select where you want to install the Configu GitHub App
  4. Select which repositories you want to connect
  5. You will automatically be returned to the Apps page with the installation complete
Only the organization owner and admins can connect a GitHub App installation to their own organization.
  • Only a single GitHub account or GitHub organization can be connected to a Configu organization. A GitHub account or GitHub organization cannot be connected to more than one organization at a time.
  • GitHub App installations may be suspended at any time directly from GitHub. This disables all features within the Configu Cloud that depend on the installation.
  • Uninstalling the GitHub app directly from GitHub will automatically disconnect the app from your organization.


Configu lets you connect your GitLab repositories to your organization. Connecting your repositories enables the following features:

  • Share access to ConfigSchema files directly from your repositories with your entire organization and streamline config management via the Config Editor.

To connect your GitLab repositories:

  1. Go to the Apps page under the Integrations tab
  2. Click the Authorize button under the GitLab integration section and you will be navigated to GitLab to continue the process
  3. Authorize the Configu GitLab App
  4. You will automatically be returned to the Apps page with the installation complete
  • GitLab Account Restriction: Only a single GitLab account can be connected to a Configu organization.
  • Automatic Integration Disconnection: If the GitLab app is revoked directly from GitLab, the integration will automatically disconnect in Configu when you attempt to access integration features.
  • Access Scope: Configu will have read-only access to all repositories your GitLab account is associated with, including private and group repositories, and will display them accordingly.