Adding Users

Users can be added to Configu using the following methods:

  • Send Invite
  • SAML Single Sign-On

New members are assigned the default role from the organization settings.

Send Invite

Users can be manually invited to join an organization from the member’s page. The account must be able to receive mail.


SAML Single Sign-On

Configu supports SAML Single Sign-On for managing organization access and authentication using your Single Sign-On provider. For more information about SAML support please contact us at

Manage member permissions

Assign roles to a Member

Organization members can be given roles that define what resources they can access. Read more about role assignment on the authorization page.


Assign config access to a Member

A member’s individual config permissions can be edited and deleted through the config access section. Read more about how to assign config attributes on the authorization page.


Removing a Member
